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Prepare for a minor flood of RSS entries

Jan 31, 2025

As I have written, several times over the last few days, I've made a change to the way that I create IDs for my RSS feed entries.

As a result, shortly after releasing this post, perhaps in a day or two, if you are getting my content via RSS, you will likely see a flood of 20 or so new entries in your feed reader. There are many more posts on the site, but, thanks to a suggestion from "AaronMFM" on the Discord server, I have decided to limit the number of entries that will be added to the feed.

What's the best practice on how many posts to include in the rss feed? I've been limiting mine to 20, on the theory that rss is about what's new, so people don't need to get a feed alert for older articles. Putting a cap would limit the flood to a manageable number that people could quickly swipe through --AaronMFM

Please accept my apologies for this brief inconvenience.

If you want to read my prior (and rather recent) writings about how I got here, here they are (in chronological order):

I have to say that while this seemed to get out of hand, I'm happy with the result and I learned a lot in the process.