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I wanted to validate the presence of an rssid in my front matter

Feb 1, 2025

And you thought I was done with all this RSS entry ID business. Not so fast.

Once I got things working the way I wanted, I had forgotten one key part of the process.

Each time I created a new blog post, note, or TIL, I would have to run the rssid node script that I wrote about earlier before building the site. Needless to say, on the first post that I wrote after doing all this, I forgot to do just that.

So, what I realized is that I really wanted the build to fail if the rssid was missing from the front matter of my posts.

At first, I took the approach of testing for its presence in the Nunjucks, forcing the output of a large <h1> right before the title of the post, proclaiming that the rssid was missing. But I got no console errors and the build succeeded.

That was not good enough for me. I wanted the build to fail and give me an error message indicating so along with the filename of the offending file.

I posted a question on the Discord server and got a couple of good ideas. One was to use a custom 11ty preprocessor to check for the presence of the rssid in the front matter. When I first tried this, it seemed that it would be unable to have it focus on the particular directories of interest and would end up including all of the .md and .njk files in the build process. That was not what I wanted.

When I pointed this out, I learned that the was available. So, I could use that to only check the files in the directories that I wanted. This worked perfectly.

Here is the code that I added to my eleventy config to make this work:

eleventyConfig.addPreprocessor("rssid", "njk,md", (data, content) => {
  const inputPath =;
  const dirs = ["/posts/", "/notes/", "/til/"];
  const containsDirs = dirs.some((word) => inputPath.includes(word));
  if (containsDirs && typeof data.rssid != "string") {
      "ERROR: missing rssid in file " +
      "Run the command: rssid -a -f=" +

What's really nice about this is that it tells me exactly how to use the tool I made to fix the error.

That odd bit at the start of the console.log statement outputs the message in red. Perhaps there's a better/easier way to do that.