What will I do next among the many things I want to do?
Nov 23, 2024
Well, we've returned from our 2-week trip to Italy. It was a great trip, but now I have to sort out what activities am I going to choose to engage in. Sure, I have a handful of things that fit into my week-to-week routines. Those include things like working out, maintaining the 11ty Bundle website, reading the book for our upcoming bookclub meeting, helping keep our house clean, enjoying and outings with my wife.
Some of the things that I have started on in the past, but have paused, remain on my list. These include:
- Revitalizing my piano learning
- Getting back into learning to speak and understand Italian
- Writing more blog posts about various aspects of how I'm doing things with Eleventy
- Writing more short posts for this microblog, like this very post
I also have a couple of new things/efforts that I plan to start on:
- Engaging in a collaborative project with a friend who approached me about it (not much to say about this yet, but it could be very interesting)
- Making a concerted effort to stay in touch with friends and family, whether near or far
Along with things that I want to do, there are those things that I'm now doing that I should probably be doing a bit less of:
- Spending time on social media
- Paying close attention to the political news
New ideas and ideas for improving existing aspects of my life come into and flow out of my head all the time. Some of them feel very interesting and potentially useful. But until I allocate some time to see if they are indeed the spark to move forward, they often remain unevaluated. I'm not sure if this is a good trait or not.
Anyway, this is where I am and I don't consider it a bad place as my head had been cleared quite a bit with some fascinating visits to historic sites in Italy.
- Previous post: I'm finally unvexed by microblog post dates
- Next post (in time): Is there an echo in here?