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If you're considering knee replacement surgery

Mar 13, 2025

Here I sit, 7 days after having a total knee replacement of my left knee. I had my right knee done 5 years ago and am very happy with the result. And, hopefully, this one will be as successful.

I am writing this to share a couple of resources that have been very helpful to me.

I have written a couple of blog posts prior to each of my surgeries. You can find them here:

But the two other resources that have been very helpful to me are this book.

The Knee Book

The Knee Book

by Dr. Adam Rosen

And the second one is Dr. Rosen's YouTube channel. It is filled with solid advice and information about every aspect of dealing with knee pain and knee replacement surgery.

Here's one of his more recent videos, to give you a flavor.

If you want to reach out with questions, please use the comment by email link below and I'll do my best to answer them or point you to other resources.

UPDATE (Mar 15, 2025): I forgot to add another excellent community-oriented resource. It's called BoneSmart. And specific to knee health, they have several forums where you can ask questions and hear from others who have dealt with similar issues. The forums are here. There is a free tier which is very helpful as well as a paid tier that offers additional features.

P.S. I'd been wanting to write this for a couple of days, but the first week after knee replacement surgery is a bit rough and I just could not get my mind clear enough to write. Thankfully, I'm on the other side of that now.

Note: The book link above is an Amazon affiliate link. It would have been a link, but they do not carry the book.