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Blog (RSS, includes Notes & TILs)

Message that says 'Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations'

Icon for RSS feeds

Icon for RSS feeds

Person using a macbook

The books I read in 2024

Wildebeests migrating

The markdown logo

picture of my knee, prior to replacement surgery

looks like a guy riding a luge on a dirt road

Trump with image of NY Times front page headline

Code snippet for generating data for the 11ty Bundle website

billboard in a field with the words 'got milk?'

A top-level view of a node CLI

a drawing of a person without hearing in their left ear

an early sketch of the 11ty bundle website design

the insides of a construction site for a new gymnasium

A programmer feverishly refactoring some code

the word cache on a printed circuit board

My wife and our dog silhouetted against the sunset

an empty classroom with a blackboard and a few chairs

a neon sign with a heart and a zero next to it

WTF in an office setting

a magnifying glass sitting on a blue surface

A notebook of pages

A notebook of pages

Google sheet icon on the left, json output on the right

The top portion of the Google Apps script to export a Google Sheet to json.

My home gym setup, a yoga mat, some kettlebells, and a balance cushion

child playing with abbacus

an AI-generated image of the number eleven

a screen containing a jumble of minified CSS

a screen with a few lines of CSS

a man playing a Steinway piano

a man playing a Steinway piano

picture of my knee, prior to replacement surgery

firefighter walking away from a dumpster fire

The day we spread my brother's ashes in the Atlantic Ocean

a man smoking a cigarette

essential love drawn in color on a chalkboard

a foot near the water at the beach

a boy reading at sunset

a boy screaming into a microphone